нортап соломон twelve years a slave a true story

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave: A True Story

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave: A True Story


The shocking first-hand account of one man’s remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture.1841: Solomon Northup is a successful violinist when he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Taken from his family in New York State – with no hope of ever seeing them again – and forced to work on the cotton plantations in the Deep South, he spends the next twelve years in captivity until his eventual escape in 1853.First published in 1853, this extraordinary true story proved to be a powerful voice in the debate over slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War. It is a true-life testament of one man’s courage and conviction in the face of unfathomable injustice and brutality: its influence on the course of American history cannot be overstated.

229 Руб.

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave: A True Story

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave: A True Story


The shocking first-hand account of one man’s remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture.1841: Solomon Northup is a successful violinist when he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Taken from his family in New York State – with no hope of ever seeing them again – and forced to work on the cotton plantations in the Deep South, he spends the next twelve years in captivity until his eventual escape in 1853.First published in 1853, this extraordinary true story proved to be a powerful voice in the debate over slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War. It is a true-life testament of one man’s courage and conviction in the face of unfathomable injustice and brutality: its influence on the course of American history cannot be overstated.

229 Руб.

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave (film tie-in)

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave (film tie-in)


Solomon Northup is a free man, living in New York. Then he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. An official tie-in edition of this eloquent and powerful memoir, to accompany Steve McQueen's major new film starring Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Quvenzhane Wallis. .

424 Руб.

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave (film tie-in)

Нортап Соломон Twelve Years a Slave (film tie-in)


Solomon Northup is a free man, living in New York. Then he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. An official tie-in edition of this eloquent and powerful memoir, to accompany Steve McQueen's major new film starring Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Quvenzhane Wallis. .

424 Руб.

Solomon Northup. Twelve Years a Slave. A True Story

Solomon Northup. Twelve Years a Slave. A True Story

Пр-во: Республика

Шокирующий рассказ из первых рук о замечательной борьбе одного человека за свободу; теперь отмеченный наградами фильм. «Почему я не умер в молодые годы – до того, как Бог дал мне детей, чтобы любить и ради которых жить? Каких несчастий, страданий и горя это могло бы предотвратить. Я вздохнул о свободе; но цепь раба была вокруг меня, и ее нельзя было сбросить». 1841: Соломон Нортап — успешный скрипач, когда его похищают и продают в рабство. Забранный у своей семьи в штате Нью-Йорк - без надежды когда-либо увидеть их снова - и вынужденный работать на хлопковых плантациях на Глубоком Юге, он проводит следующие двенадцать лет в плену до своего окончательного побега в 1853 году. Впервые опубликовано в 1853 году. Эта необычная правдивая история оказалась мощным голосом в дебатах о рабстве в годы, предшествовавшие Гражданской войне. Это настоящее свидетельство мужества и убежденности одного человека перед лицом непостижимой несправедливости и жестокости: его влияние на ход американской истории невозможно переоценить.The shocking first-hand account of one man's remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture. 'Why had I not died in my young years - before God had given me children to love and live for? What unhappiness and suffering and sorrow it would have prevented. I sighed for liberty; but the bondsman's chain was round me, and could not be shaken off.' 1841: Solomon Northup is a successful violinist when he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Taken from his family in New York State - with no hope of ever seeing them again - and forced to work on the cotton plantations in the Deep South, he spends the next twelve years in captivity until his eventual escape in 1853. First published in 1853, this extraordinary true story proved to be a powerful voice in the debate over slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War. It is a true-life testament of one man's courage and conviction in the face of unfathomable injustice and brutality: its influence on the course of American history cannot be overstated.

520 Руб.

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave


The shocking first-hand account of one man's remarkable fight for freedom; now an award-winning motion picture. 'Why had I not died in my young years - before God had given me children to love and live for? What unhappiness and suffering and sorrow it would have prevented. I sighed for liberty; but the bondsman's chain was round me, and could not be shaken off.' 1841: Solomon Northup is a successful violinist when he is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Taken from his family in New York State - with no hope of ever seeing them again - and forced to work on the cotton plantations in the Deep South, he spends the next twelve years in captivity until his eventual escape in 1853. First published in 1853, this extraordinary true story proved to be a powerful voice in the debate over slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War. It is a true-life testament of one man's courage and conviction in the face of unfathomable injustice and brutality: its influence on the course of American history cannot be overstated.

357 Руб.

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave


With an Introduction by Colin Harrison, Lecturer in American Literature at Liverpool John Moores University. 'I was sitting upon a low bench, made of rough boards, and without coat or hat. I was handcuffed. Around my ankles also were a pair of heavy fetters. One end of a chain was fastened to a large ring in the floor, the other to fetters on my ankles . . . Then did the idea begin to break upon my mind, at first dim and confused, that I had been kidnapped.' Solomon Northup's kidnap in 1841 tore him away from a life of relative comfort as a free-born African-American farmer and violinist in New York, and marked the beginning of twelve years enslavement in the plantations of the Deep South. His narrative, published on his escape, was an important testimony for the abolitionist movement and became a bestseller before falling into obscurity for a century. Recovered in 1968, the book is valued by historians for its rare insights into the slave economy and by readers of all kinds for its moving account of the struggle against a dehumanizing system. Twelve Years is combined in this volume with the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, social reformer, orator, writer and statesman, who was for many the living disproof of the argument that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as American citizens.

749 Руб.

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave

Northup Solomon Twelve Years a Slave


Solomon Northup's memoir recalls how he was kidnapped in Washington DC in 1841 and sold into slavery, describing the brutalities and injustices he endured before he finally escaped in 1853. His story formed the basis of Steve McQueen's 2013 film.

1931 Руб.

Robertson James Joseph Knight

Robertson James Joseph Knight


A gripping, shocking story of history, enlightement and slavery from the bestselling author of The Fanatic. Joseph Knight confirms James Robertson as one of our foremost novelists. Exiled to Jamaica after the Battle of Culloden in 1746, Sir John Wedderburn made a fortune, alongside his three brothers, as a faux surgeon and sugar planter. In the 1770s, he returned to Scotland to marry and re-establish the family name. He brought with him Joseph Knight, a black slave and a token of his years in the Caribbean. Now, in 1802, Sir John Wedderburn is settling his estate, and has hired a solicitor's agent, Archibald Jamieson, to search for his former slave. The past has haunted Wedderburn ever since Culloden, and ever since he last saw Knight, in court twenty-four years ago, in a case that went to the heart of Scottish society, pitting master against slave, white against black, and rich against poor. As long as Knight is missing, Wedderburn will never be able to escape the past. Yet what will he do if Jamieson's search is successful? And what effect will this re-opening of old wounds have on those around him? Meanwhile, as Jamieson tries to unravel the true story of Joseph Knight he begins to question his own motivation. How can he possibly find a man who does not want to be found? James Robertson's second novel is a tour de force, the gripping story of a search for a life that stretches over sixty years and moves from battlefields to the plantations of Jamaica, from Enlightenment Edinburgh to the back streets of Dundee. It is a moving narrative of history, identity and ideas, that dramatically retells a fascinating but forgotten episode of Scottish history.

2060 Руб.

Douglass Frederick Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Douglass Frederick Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man. Born into slavery during the early nineteenth century, Frederick Douglass escaped to freedom before he was twenty-one years old. From the moment he arrived in New York City, he felt a need to tell his story, one that mirrored so many people still enslaved in the South with no hope of escape. As an orator and preacher, Douglass was an abolitionist, supporter of women’s suffrage and staunch defender of equality for all. In his first autobiographical work, published in 1845, The Narrative of Frederick Douglass describes how he went from slave to a free man.

339 Руб.

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave


Соломон Нортан - один из самых интересных личностей в истории литературы. Рождённый свободным афроамериканцем, он был похищен работорговцами, заманившими его предложениями о работе скрипача. "12 лет рабства" - воспоминания Нортана о самых тёмных временах своей жизни, когда надежда уже почти задушена отчаянием, нет возможности вырваться из цепей рабства, чтобы вернуть свободу и честь. Потрясающая история была экранизирована и заслужено удостоена премии "Оскар". Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

149 Руб.

Alderman Naomi, Бардуго Ли, Макманус Карен М. Marple. Twelve New Stories

Alderman Naomi, Бардуго Ли, Макманус Карен М. Marple. Twelve New Stories


A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie's Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery. * Naomi Alderman * Leigh Bardugo * Alyssa Cole * Lucy Foley * Elly Griffiths * Natalie Haynes * Jean Kwok * Val McDermid * Karen M. McManus * Dreda Say Mitchell * Kate Mosse * Ruth Ware Miss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930's The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie's last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time.

3967 Руб.

Christie Agatha, Bardugo Leigh, McManus Karen M. Marple. Twelve New Stories

Christie Agatha, Bardugo Leigh, McManus Karen M. Marple. Twelve New Stories


A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie's Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery. - Naomi Alderman - Leigh Bardugo - Alyssa Cole - Lucy Foley - Elly Griffiths - Natalie Haynes - Jean Kwok - Val McDermid - Karen M. McManus - Dreda Say Mitchell - Kate Mosse - Ruth Ware Miss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930's The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie's last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time.

1434 Руб.

Defoe Daniel Moll Flanders

Defoe Daniel Moll Flanders


These are the fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders: born in Newgate Prison, twelve years a prostitute, five times a wife (once to her own brother), twelve years a thief and eight years a transported felon in Her Majesty's colony of Virginia. Daniel Defoe's rollicking tale presents life in the prisons, alleyways and underworlds of eighteenth-century London, and gives us Moll - scandalous, unscrupulous and utterly irresistible.

1899 Руб.

Kukafka Danya Notes on an Execution

Kukafka Danya Notes on an Execution


Ansel Packer is scheduled to die in twelve hours. But this is not his story. Ansel doesn't want to die; he wants to be celebrated, understood. Yet now he awaits the same fate he forced on those girls, years ago. This is the story of the women who survive. As the clock ticks down, three women - a mother, a sister, a detective - reckon with the choices that culminate in tragedy, the impact on those in its wake, and the possibility of redemption.

4539 Руб.

Herbert Brian, Anderson Kevin J. Paul of Dune

Herbert Brian, Anderson Kevin J. Paul of Dune


Between the end of Frank Herbert s Dune and his next novel Dune Messiah lies a mystery: how a hero adored by a planet became a tyrant hated by a universe. Paul of Dune begins the story of those twelve fateful years and the wars of the jihad of Paul Muad Dib. It is an epic of battle and betrayal; of love and idealism; of ambition and intrigue. Above all, it is the story of how Paul Atreides who achieved absolute power when scarcely more than a boy changes from an idealist into a dictator who is the prisoner of the bureaucrats and fanatics who surround him.

2017 Руб.

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