christo and jeanne claude postcard set

Jeanne Claude. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Postcard Set

Jeanne Claude. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Postcard Set

Пр-во: Республика

Отметьте уникальное творчество Христо и Жанны-Клод с помощью этого набора из 25 открыток, на котором представлены произведения искусства и фотографии их культовых проектов последних 60 лет, а также рисунки и коллажи их проекта «Триумфальная арка, завернутые, Париж». 1961-2021.

2640 Руб.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Postcard Set

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Postcard Set

Пр-во: Республика

Отметьте уникальное экологическое искусство Христо и Жанны-Клод с помощью этого набора из 25 открыток, на которых представлены исторические моменты их творчества, а также фотографии и наброски из «Плавучих пирсов».Celebrate the unique environmental art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude with this set of 25 postcards, featuring historic highlights of their oeuvre, as well as photographs and sketches from Floating Piers.

1990 Руб.

Christo Claude. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Christo Claude. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Пр-во: Республика

Исследование XXL, теперь в сокращенном справочнике. Произведения Христо и Жанны-Клод — памятники быстротечности. Гигантские по своим масштабам, они всегда временны, созданы для того, чтобы существовать лишь ограниченное время и оставлять уникальные, неповторимые впечатления.«От самого маленького из Пакетов, сделанных в Париже в начале 1960-х годов, до тонкого узора из сотен ветвей, окутанных прозрачной тканевой пеленой - в работах Христо и Жанны-Клод нет ничего абстрактного, ничего воображаемого, там — телесное и осязаемое». (Лоренца Джованелли).Частично биография, частично критический анализ, частично каталог, это обновленное издание возвращает самое продаваемое коллекционное издание TASCHEN. Он охватывает всю работу Христо и Жанны-Клод, от ранних рисунков и семейных фотографий до планов будущих проектов. Сотни фотографий и оригинальных работ прослеживают проекты пары за последние 10 лет, в том числе «Плавучие пирсы» и «Лондонская мастаба», а также незавершенные работы, такие как «Мастаба», «Проект для Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов» и «Триумфальная арка в обертке».Париж. Вместе с обширной фотографической документацией Вольфганга Фольца эта книга является праздником работы двух художников, чье воображение повлияло на ландшафт каждого континента. Кристо и Жанна-Клод начали свое сотрудничество в 1961 году и жили в Нью-Йорке с 1964 года. Жанна-Клод умерла в 2009 году, Христо умер в 2020 году. Их крупномасштабные проекты включают Wrapped Coast, Австралия, 1968–69; Valley Curtain, Винтовка, Колорадо, 1970–72; Бегущий забор, округа Сонома и Марин, Калифорния, 1972–76; Окруженные острова, залив Бискейн, Флорида, 1980–83; The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Париж, 1975–85; Зонтики, Япония. США, 1984–91; Завернутый Рейхстаг, Берлин, 1971–95; Завернутые деревья, Риен, Швейцария, 1997–98; Ворота, Центральный парк, Нью-Йорк, 1979–2005; Плавучие пирсы, озеро Изео, Италия, 2014 –16, Лондонская мастаба, Змеиное озеро, Гайд-парк, 2016–2018 годы, и Триумфальная арка, завернутая, Париж, 1961–2021 годы.Вольфганг Фольц работал с Христо и Жанной-Клод в качестве эксклюзивного фотографа их работ с 1971 года. Он также был руководителем проекта (вместе с Роландом Спеккером) для Wrapped Reichstag, Берлин, 1971–95, и (с Джози Крафт) для Wrapped Trees, Riehen, Швейцария, 1997–98 гг., и руководил проектами The Wall - 13 000 баррелей нефти, газометром в Оберхаузене, Германия, 1998–99 гг., и Big Air Package, газометром в Оберхаузене, Германия, 2010–13 гг. Результатом его тесного сотрудничества стало множество книг и более 300 выставок в музеях и галереях по всему миру.The XXL exploration, now in a condensed handbook. The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are monuments of transience. Gigantic in scale, they are always temporary, created to exist only for a limited time and to leave unique, unrepeatable impressions. “From the smallest of the Packages made in Paris in the early 1960s, to the delicate pattern of hundreds of branches embraced by a translucent fabric veil... in Christo and...

3500 Руб.

Baal-Teshuva Jacob Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Baal-Teshuva Jacob Christo and Jeanne-Claude


The universe of Christo and Jeanne-Claude The work of the artist couple Christo (1935–2020) and Jeanne-Claude (1935–2009) resists categorization. It is a hybrid of art, urban planning, architecture, and engineering, but above all an aesthetic uniquely their own: surreal and ethereal environmental interventions that have graced monuments, public parks, and centers of power alike. This compact book spans the complete career of the couple who were born on the very same day, met in Paris, fell in love, and became a creative team like no other. With rich illustration, it spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s earliest projects in the 1950s right through to The Floating Piers, installed at Lake Iseo, Italy, in 2016. The book celebrates all of the couple’s most famous environmental interventions, such as The Gates in New York’s Central Park and the Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin, while also featuring early drawings and family photos unknown to the wider public.

2222 Руб.

L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped

L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped


Christo and Jeanne-Claude's posthumous work, 60 years in the making 1961, three years after meeting Jeanne-Claude in Paris, Christo made a study of a mammoth project that would wrap one of the city’s most emblematic monuments. 60 years, 25,000 square meters of recyclable fabric, and 3,000 meters of rope later, the artists' vision finally came true. Discover their posthumous installation with this book gathering photography, drawings, and a history of the project's making. Like most of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's work, L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped is temporary and runs for 16 days from Saturday, September 18 to Sunday, October 3, 2021. Carried out in close collaboration with the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, the historic structure is wrapped in recyclable polypropylene fabric in silvery blue and recyclable red rope. The project is the posthumous realisation of a long-held dream for Christo and Jeanne-Claude, who first drew up plans to wrap the Arc de Triomphe in 1961 while renting a small room near the monument. Published as a tribute to the late artists and their lifelong partnership, the book includes original sketches, technical data, and exclusive photography, creating a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the genesis of this prodigious artwork.

3169 Руб.

Giovanelli Lorenza, Henery Jonathan, Jeanne-Claude Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Giovanelli Lorenza, Henery Jonathan, Jeanne-Claude Christo and Jeanne-Claude


The XXL exploration, now in a condensed handbook The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are monuments of transience. Gigantic in scale, they are always temporary, created to exist only for a limited time and to leave unique, unrepeatable impressions. “From the smallest of the Packages made in Paris in the early 1960s, to the delicate pattern of hundreds of branches embraced by a translucent fabric veil... in Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s works there is nothing abstract, nothing imagined; it is all there—corporeal and tangible.” (Lorenza Giovanelli) Part biography, part critical analysis, part catalogue, this updated edition brings back TASCHEN’s best-selling Collector’s Edition. It spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s entire work, from early drawings and family photos to plans for future projects. Hundreds of photographs and original works trace the couple’s projects from the past 10 years, including The Floating Piers and The London Mastaba, as well as works in progress such as The Mastaba, Project for the United Arab Emirates and L’Arc de Triomphe Wrapped, Paris. Together with the comprehensive photographic documentation by Wolfgang Volz this book is a celebration of the work of two artists whose imagination has affected the landscape of every continent.

2536 Руб.

Фольц В. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 40th Ed.

Фольц В. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 40th Ed.


The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are monuments of transience. Gigantic in scale, they are always temporary, created to exist only for a limited time and to leave unique, unrepeatable impressions. “From the smallest of the Packages made in Paris in the early 1960s, to the delicate pattern of hundreds of branches embraced by a translucent fabric veil... in Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s works there is nothing abstract, nothing imagined; it is all there?corporeal and tangible.” (Lorenza Giovanelli)Part biography, part critical analysis, part catalogue, this updated edition brings back TASCHEN’s best-selling Collector’s Edition. It spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s entire work, from early drawings and family photos to plans for future projects. Hundreds of photographs and original works trace the couple’s projects from the past 10 years, including The Floating Piers, The London Mastaba, and L’Arc de Triomphe Wrapped, Paris.Together with the comprehensive photographic documentation by Wolfgang Volz this book is a celebration of the work of two artists whose imagination has affected the landscape of every continent.

3346 Руб.

Фольц В. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 40th Ed.

Фольц В. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 40th Ed.


The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are monuments of transience. Gigantic in scale, they are always temporary, created to exist only for a limited time and to leave unique, unrepeatable impressions. “From the smallest of the Packages made in Paris in the early 1960s, to the delicate pattern of hundreds of branches embraced by a translucent fabric veil... in Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s works there is nothing abstract, nothing imagined; it is all there?corporeal and tangible.” (Lorenza Giovanelli)Part biography, part critical analysis, part catalogue, this updated edition brings back TASCHEN’s best-selling Collector’s Edition. It spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s entire work, from early drawings and family photos to plans for future projects. Hundreds of photographs and original works trace the couple’s projects from the past 10 years, including The Floating Piers, The London Mastaba, and L’Arc de Triomphe Wrapped, Paris.Together with the comprehensive photographic documentation by Wolfgang Volz this book is a celebration of the work of two artists whose imagination has affected the landscape of every continent.

3346 Руб.

Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Пр-во: Taschen

Работы пары художников Христо (1935 г. р.) и Жанны-Клод (1935–2009) не поддаются категоризации. Это гибрид искусства, градостроительства, архитектуры и инженерии, но, прежде всего, уникальная эстетика: сюрреалистичная и эфирные вмешательства в окружающую среду, которые одинаково украшают памятники, общественные парки и центры силы. Эта компактная книга охватывает всю жизнь пары, которая родилась в один день, встретилась в Париже, влюбилась и стала творческой командой, как никто другой. Богато иллюстрированная книга охватывает самые ранние проекты Христо и Жанны-Клод в 1950-х годах вплоть до «Плавучих пирсов», которые будут установлены на озере Изео в Италии в 2016 году. Ворота в Центральном парке Нью-Йорка и Рейхстаг в Берлине, а также ранние рисунки и семейные фотографии, неизвестные широкой публике. The work of the artist couple Christo (born 1935) and Jeanne-Claude (1935–2009) resists categorization. It is a hybrid of art, urban planning, architecture, and engineering, but above all an aesthetic uniquely their own: surreal and ethereal environmental interventions that have graced monuments, public parks, and centers of power alike.This compact book spans the complete career of the couple who were born on the very same day, met in Paris, fell in love, and became a creative team like no other. With rich illustration, it spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude's earliest projects in the 1950s right through to The Floating Piers, to be installed at Lake Iseo, Italy, in 2016. The book celebrates all of the couple's most famous environmental interventions, such as The Gates in New York's Central Park and the Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin, while also featuring early drawings and family photos unknown to the wider public.

2750 Руб.

Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Пр-во: Республика

Работы пары художников Христо (1935 г.р.) и Жанны-Клод (1935–2009) не поддаются категоризации. Это гибрид искусства, градостроительства, архитектуры и инженерии, но, прежде всего, уникальная эстетика: сюрреалистичная и эфирные вмешательства в окружающую среду, которые одинаково украшают памятники, общественные парки и центры силы.Эта компактная книга охватывает всю жизнь пары, которая родилась в один день, встретилась в Париже, влюбилась и стала творческой командой, как никто другой. Богато иллюстрированная книга охватывает самые ранние проекты Христо и Жанны-Клод в 1950-х годах вплоть до «Плавучих пирсов», которые будут установлены на озере Изео в Италии в 2016 году. Ворота в Центральном парке Нью-Йорка и Рейхстаг в Берлине, а также ранние рисунки и семейные фотографии, неизвестные широкой публике.The work of the artist couple Christo (born 1935) and Jeanne-Claude (1935–2009) resists categorization. It is a hybrid of art, urban planning, architecture, and engineering, but above all an aesthetic uniquely their own: surreal and ethereal environmental interventions that have graced monuments, public parks, and centers of power alike.This compact book spans the complete career of the couple who were born on the very same day, met in Paris, fell in love, and became a creative team like no other. With rich illustration, it spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude's earliest projects in the 1950s right through to The Floating Piers, to be installed at Lake Iseo, Italy, in 2016. The book celebrates all of the couple's most famous environmental interventions, such as The Gates in New York's Central Park and the Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin, while also featuring early drawings and family photos unknown to the wider public.

2450 Руб.

Baal-Teshuva Jacob Christo et Jeanne-Claude

Baal-Teshuva Jacob Christo et Jeanne-Claude


L’univers de Christo et Jeanne-Claude Le travail du couple d’artistes Christo (1935–2020) et Jeanne-Claude (1935–2009) resiste a la moindre categorisation. A mi-chemin entre l’art, l’amenagement urbain, l’architecture et l’ingenierie, il releve avant tout d’une esthetique unique: des interventions surrealistes et feeriques sur l’environnement qui ont magnifie indifferemment monuments, parcs publics et centres du pouvoir. Cet ouvrage compact parcourt l’integralite de la carriere du couple d’artistes qui sont nes exactement le meme jour, se sont rencontres a Paris, sont tombes amoureux l’un de l’autre et ont forme un binome creatif a nul autre pareil. Richement illustre, le livre evoque les premiers projets de Christo et Jeanne-Claude dans les annees 1950 et s’acheve par le projet The Floating Piers qui sera installe sur le lac Iseo en Italie, en 2016. Il rend hommage a toutes les plus celebres interventions du couple sur l’environnement, telles que The Gates a Central Park, a New York, et Wrapped Reichstag (Le Reichstag Empaquete) a Berlin, tout en comprenant des documents inedits, inconnus du grand public, comme des dessins de jeunesse et des photos de famille.

3699 Руб.

Smith Alex T. Claude in the City

Smith Alex T. Claude in the City


Come one, come all for this extraordinary fiction debut for both Alex T Smith and his unforgettable hero, Claude. Claude is no ordinary dog - he leads an extraordinary life! When Mr and Mrs Shinyshoes set off for work, Claude decides what adventure he wants to have that day. Today he and Sir Bobblysock go to the city for the very first time. The have tea in a cafe, go shopping and visit a museum. It is all very normal until... Claude accidentally foils a robbery and becomes the local hero!

1546 Руб.

Smith Alex T. Claude Adventures

Smith Alex T. Claude Adventures


Come with Claude on a smashing adventure! These waggy tales are perfect for new readers, with illustrations on every page. As seen on TV – Claude is the star of his very own TV show! A shiny paperback treasury of Claude’s very best adventures, containing three much-loved stories. Join Claude and Sir Bobblysock as they dance and bottom-wiggle their way into the spotlight, head off in hot pursuit of a gold trophy, and stumble onto a film set to become movie stars! Includes: Lights! Camera! Action!, Going for Gold and Claude in the Spotlight.

2210 Руб.

Сальгадо С. Sebastiao Salgado. Amazonia. Postcard Set

Сальгадо С. Sebastiao Salgado. Amazonia. Postcard Set


Sebastiao Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon and photographed the unparalleled beauty of this extraordinary region for six years: the forest, the rivers, the mountains, the people who live there—an irreplaceable treasure of humanity. The boxed postcard set features 25 individual images showcasing the breadth and beauty of Salgado’s project.

2677 Руб.

Сальгадо С. Sebastiao Salgado. Amazonia. Postcard Set

Сальгадо С. Sebastiao Salgado. Amazonia. Postcard Set


Sebastiao Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon and photographed the unparalleled beauty of this extraordinary region for six years: the forest, the rivers, the mountains, the people who live there—an irreplaceable treasure of humanity. The boxed postcard set features 25 individual images showcasing the breadth and beauty of Salgado’s project.

2677 Руб.

King Darel Frightfully Friendly Ghosties: Ghostly Holler-Day

King Darel Frightfully Friendly Ghosties: Ghostly Holler-Day


It's winter and what better than a ghostly holler-day by the sea? But how are Tabitha Tumbly, Charlie Vapour, Humphrey Bump and the other ghosties to decide between Frighten-on-Sea and Scare-borough? A postcard from their friend Headless Leslie decides for them: Headless is in Frighten and cannot remember how to get home. He wrote the address on the postcard, then he forgot what the address was. 'I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on - which it isn't.' So the friends descend on Frighten and set off on an exciting ghostie caper, involving a haunted Frighten pier, a mysterious phantom magician, a fun fair and an extremely infuriating Headless Leslie.

868 Руб.

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