de castell sebastien tyrant s throne

de Castell Sebastien Tyrant's Throne

de Castell Sebastien Tyrant's Throne


Would you - could you? - uphold the law at the cost of those you love? Falcio val Mond, First Cantor of the Greatcoats, is on the brink of fulfilling his dead King's dream: soon, Aline will take the throne and restore the rule of law once and for all. But in Tristia, nothing is ever that simple. In neighbouring Avares, an enigmatic warlord has risen, and his closest ally is none other than Falcio's old nemesis Trin. With the armies of Avares at her back, she'll be unstoppable. Falcio, Kest and Brasti go racing north to stop her, but in those treacherous climes they discover something altogether different, and far more dangerous . . .

3222 Руб.

de Castell Sebastien Knight's Shadow

de Castell Sebastien Knight's Shadow


The Greatcoats have found the heir to the throne… but now they must keep her alive, against all the odds. Falcio Val Mond has completed the final task given to him by the late King Paelis: he has found the King's Charoites (well, one at least). But his task isn't over, and now he, Kest and Brasti must protect the girl from those her want her dead. That would be simple enough, if it weren't for the renegade Knights and legendary Dashini assassins, getting in their way, not to mention the Dukes, who are desperate to hold on to their power at any cost, or Trin, the merciless daughter of the ruthless Duke of Rijou and the cruel Duchess of Hervor, who is determined to be Queen of Tristia. Of course, the fact that the heir to the throne is thirteen years old doesn't help, nor the fact that every day brings Falcio closer to dying from the poison running through his veins. And then there is the Greatcoat's Lament…

2849 Руб.

de Castell Sebastien Saint's Blood

de Castell Sebastien Saint's Blood


How do you kill a Saint? Falcio, Brasti and Kest are about to find out, as someone is doing just that, and they've started with a friend. The Dukes were already looking for ways to weasel out of their promise to put Aline on her father's throne - but with Saints turning up dead, rumour are spreading that the Gods themselves oppose her ascension. To make matters worse, the churches are also pushing for control and have brought back their own military orders - including church knights and, worst of all, the Inquisitors, who have their own, much harsher form of justice. The only way Falcio can stop the country turning into a vicious theocracy is to find the Saint-killer - and his only clue is the iron mask encasing the head of the Saint of Mercy. And even if he can find the murderer, he will still have to face them in battle - and this may be a duel that no swordsman, no matter how skilled, can win.

2849 Руб.

AUDIO CD CAMPRA, ANDRE Motets for Notre-Dame de Paris. Ensemble Aquilon / Sebastien Mahieux. 1 CD

AUDIO CD CAMPRA, ANDRE Motets for Notre-Dame de Paris. Ensemble Aquilon / Sebastien Mahieux. 1 CD

Пр-во: K617

CAMPRA, ANDRE Motets for Notre-Dame de Paris. Ensemble Aquilon Sebastien Mahieux. 1 CD

7849 Руб.

Perez Sebastien Frida

Perez Sebastien Frida


L’une des plus grandes figures de l’art mexicain du XXe siecle inspire Benjamin Lacombe et Sebastien Perez pour leur nouvelle collaboration. Pour lui rendre hommage, Benjamin Lacombe propose une immersion inedite dans le processus creatif de l’artiste. Une succession de pages decoupees et un texte poetique nous entrainent dans les profondeurs de l’ame de Frida Kahlo. A la maniere d’un recueil de pensees, le livre explore les thematiques qui sont cheres a Frida : l’amour, la mort, la terre, les animaux… Sebastien Perez insere dans son texte des phrases extraites des correspondances de Frida pour restituer de la facon la plus sincere et vraie ce que l’artiste ressentait « par-devers elle et face a elle ».

6745 Руб.

Signol Christian Une année de neige

Signol Christian Une année de neige


Partir, fuir sa triste banlieue, la grisaille… Sebastien a dix ans et la leucemie menace sa vie. Malgre l’amour de sa mere, il n’a qu’une obsession : rejoindre dans le Lot ses grands-parents qui sauront eloigner de lui la peur et la mort. Il est sur qu’au c?ur de cette campagne qu’il aime tant, il pourra puiser l’energie pour lutter contre la terrible maladie qui l’affaiblit chaque jour davantage. Dans la petite ferme familiale, Sebastien oscille entre les periodes de decouragement et le plaisir des joies simples, dans l’enchantement toujours renouvele de la nature et de ses secrets. Son grand-pere ne lui a-t-il pas raconte que l’hellebore, ephemere « rose de Noel » qui fleurit sous la neige, possede des pouvoirs magiques qui pourraient lui apporter la guerison tant esperee ? Jamais peut-etre l’immense conteur qu’est Christian Signol n’avait su toucher au c?ur avec une telle justesse.

1301 Руб.

Sagan Francoise Des bleus à l'âme

Sagan Francoise Des bleus à l'âme


Deux aristocrates suedois desargentes, Sebastien et Eleonore Van Milhem, frere et soeur, trainent leur melancolie dans de luxueux appartements parisiens et jouent au quasi-inceste avec innocence... Se pressent autour d'eux Nora, une Americaine aussi riche que mure, Bruno, jeune premier du cinema francais, Robert, un celebre impresario... Sagan prend parti pour l'un ou l'autre de ses personnages, livre ses points de vue sur leur vie et la sienne. Au roman se melent ses propres sentiments sur les critiques de ses livres, ce qu'elle pense de sa vie, de son style... Une oeuvre qui mele recit et essai litteraire, une tres grande oeuvre.

1069 Руб.

Naslund B. Sorcery of a Queen

Naslund B. Sorcery of a Queen


Dragon-slayers dont expect to survive to retirement age, but Bershad has unexpectedly thrived. Yet this very notoriety may be his downfall. Sorcery of a Queen is book two in the adventurous Dragons of Terra trilogy by Brian Naslund. Change is coming - but will they survive the storm? The dragonslayer Bershad and Queen Ashlyn are facing the greatest challenge of their lives. Branded the Witch Queen and driven from her kingdom, Ashlyn flees to her mothers people. Yet she wont be beaten, resolving to master magical feats long thought impossible. But this could have unforeseen consequences. Meanwhile, Bershad has learnt why he seems invincible - and that hes living on borrowed time. However, he remains determined to help Ashlyn regain her throne. They will face a foreign emperor, commanding an army equipped with terrifying new weaponry. This aggressor will do anything to crush Ashlyns land, and claim its prized dragons. So to save her kingdom, both queen and dragonslayer must attempt the impossible to prevail. Part Game of Thrones, part super hero epic, Blood of an Exile is a cinematic fantasy whirlwind - Sebastien de Castell Exciting, epic and wonderfully told, full of subtle humour and laugh laugh-out-loud lines - Angus Watson on Blood of an Exile

1710 Руб.

Naslund B. Sorcery of a Queen

Naslund B. Sorcery of a Queen


Dragon-slayers dont expect to survive to retirement age, but Bershad has unexpectedly thrived. Yet this very notoriety may be his downfall. Sorcery of a Queen is book two in the adventurous Dragons of Terra trilogy by Brian Naslund. Change is coming - but will they survive the storm? The dragonslayer Bershad and Queen Ashlyn are facing the greatest challenge of their lives. Branded the Witch Queen and driven from her kingdom, Ashlyn flees to her mothers people. Yet she wont be beaten, resolving to master magical feats long thought impossible. But this could have unforeseen consequences. Meanwhile, Bershad has learnt why he seems invincible - and that hes living on borrowed time. However, he remains determined to help Ashlyn regain her throne. They will face a foreign emperor, commanding an army equipped with terrifying new weaponry. This aggressor will do anything to crush Ashlyns land, and claim its prized dragons. So to save her kingdom, both queen and dragonslayer must attempt the impossible to prevail. Part Game of Thrones, part super hero epic, Blood of an Exile is a cinematic fantasy whirlwind - Sebastien de Castell Exciting, epic and wonderfully told, full of subtle humour and laugh laugh-out-loud lines - Angus Watson on Blood of an Exile

1710 Руб.

Beigbeder Frederic Un Barrage contre l'Atlantique

Beigbeder Frederic Un Barrage contre l'Atlantique


A chaque fois qu'on m'enferme, je me souviens. Quand il n’y a plus de present et que le futur est incertain, il ne reste plus qu'a s'adoucir au passe. Un roman francais etait incomplet ; voici d'autres peches de ma jeunesse. F. B. En plein confinement, face a l’Atlantique qui ne cesse de gagner du terrain, l’ecrivain voit remonter le temps. Par vagues, les phrases se couchent sur la page, puis des eclats de naguere refont surface. L’histoire se reconstitue, empreinte d’un puissant charme nostalgique. Et quand tout est revolu et que la fete est finie, reste l’amour et la foi en la beaute, seuls capables de sauver l’humanite. L’enfant terrible de l’entre-deux-siecles se laisse rattraper par les souvenirs et les pensees qui deferlent. Un ressac intime qui emporte le lecteur. Pierre Vavasseur, Le Parisien week-end. Impossible de lire ce roman sans souligner quelques passages que l’on se promet de relire les jours de cafard. Sebastien Lapaque, Le Figaro litteraire.

2266 Руб.

Clezio J.M.G. Le Bitna, sous le ciel de Seoul

Clezio J.M.G. Le Bitna, sous le ciel de Seoul


« Je m’appelle Kim Se-Ri, mais je prefere Salome, je ne peux plus sortir de chez moi a cause de la maladie. J’attends celui, celle qui viendra me raconter le monde. » Parce que le conte peut faire reculer la mort, Bitna, etudiante coreenne sans un sou, invente des histoires pour Salome, immobilisee par une maladie incurable. La premiere lutte contre la pauvrete, la seconde contre la douleur. Ensemble, elles se sauvent dans des recits quotidiens ou fabuleux, et bientot la frontiere entre realite et imaginaire disparait. Un roman qui souffle ses legendes urbaines sur la riviere Han, les boulevards satures et les ruelles louches. Sous le ciel de Seoul se leve « le vent de l’envie des fleurs ». Une declaration d’amour a cette ville tentaculaire, et surtout a ses habitantes. Sebastien Falletti, Le Point. La nostalgie et l’energie de la psyche coreenne inondent la prose de J. M. G Le Clezio. Antoine Perraud, La Croix. Un magnifique plaidoyer pour la fiction sans frontiere. Etienne de Montety, Le Figaro litteraire

1944 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Universal Music Emperor - Wrath Of The Tyrant. Coloured vinyl, transparent red (LP)

Виниловая пластинка Universal Music Emperor - Wrath Of The Tyrant. Coloured vinyl, transparent red (LP)

Пр-во: Universal

"Emperor, Wrath Of The Tyrant" - ремастированное переиздание сборника в который вошли: миниальбом "Emperor" (1993) и демо альбом "Wrath Of The Tyrant" (1992) норвежского коллектива Emperor.

6300 Руб.

Senior A. The Tyrant s Shadow

Senior A. The Tyrant s Shadow


Seniors vivid characters capture this chaotic era with a lively sense of how it must have felt to those living through it - The TimesA court without a kingdom, a kingdom without a king...England, 1652: since Charles Is execution the land has remained untethered, the people longing for change. When Patience Johnson meets preacher Sidrach Simmonds, she believes her destiny is to become his wife and help him spread the Lords word. Simmonds sees things quite differently. Patiences brother Will has been bestowed the job of lawyer to Oliver Cromwell. Tasked with aiding Englands most powerful man, he must try to overcome his grief after the loss of his wife. Then Sam Challoner, Wills brother-in-law, returns unannounced after years in exile, forcing Will and Patience to question their loyalties: one to a ruler, the other, a spouse. Who do they choose to save? Themselves, their loved ones or their country...

588 Руб.

Senior A. The Tyrant s Shadow

Senior A. The Tyrant s Shadow


Seniors vivid characters capture this chaotic era with a lively sense of how it must have felt to those living through it - The TimesA court without a kingdom, a kingdom without a king...England, 1652: since Charles Is execution the land has remained untethered, the people longing for change. When Patience Johnson meets preacher Sidrach Simmonds, she believes her destiny is to become his wife and help him spread the Lords word. Simmonds sees things quite differently. Patiences brother Will has been bestowed the job of lawyer to Oliver Cromwell. Tasked with aiding Englands most powerful man, he must try to overcome his grief after the loss of his wife. Then Sam Challoner, Wills brother-in-law, returns unannounced after years in exile, forcing Will and Patience to question their loyalties: one to a ruler, the other, a spouse. Who do they choose to save? Themselves, their loved ones or their country...

588 Руб.

Sebastien Hurtaud & Benjamin Northey - Farr; Elgar: Cello Concertos (1CD) 2020 Rubicon Jewel Аудио диск

Sebastien Hurtaud & Benjamin Northey - Farr; Elgar: Cello Concertos (1CD) 2020 Rubicon Jewel Аудио диск

Пр-во: Rubicon

Sebastien Hurtaud & Benjamin Northey - Farr; Elgar: Cello Concertos (1CD) 2020 Rubicon Jewel Аудио диск

3000 Руб.

Диспенсер кофе для Delonghi, ECAM26.455 / 28.466, 7313226521

Диспенсер кофе для Delonghi, ECAM26.455 / 28.466, 7313226521


Диспенсер кофе для кофемашин Delonghi, ECAM26.455 / 28.466, 7313226521Подходит к моделям кофемашин:DelonghiECAM26.455. BLB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. B PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. BWB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. C PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. GRB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. GYB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. MB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. M PrimaDonna SECAM26.455. RB PrimaDonnaECAM26.455. WB PrimaDonna S De LuxeECAM26.455. YEB PrimaDonnaECAM28.465. AZ PrimaDonna S VintageECAM28.465. BG PrimaDonna S VintageECAM28.465. MB PrimaDonna SECAM28.465. M PrimaDonna SECAM28.466. MB PrimaDonna SECAM28.466. M PrimaDonna S de luxeECAM28.467. B PrimaDonna SECAM510.55. M PrimaDonna S Evo Теги: делонги примадонна

5749 Руб.

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