gilles neret matisse cut outs 40th ed

Gilles Neret. Matisse. Cut-outs. 40th Ed

Gilles Neret. Matisse. Cut-outs. 40th Ed

Пр-во: Республика

Революционная работа Матисса позднего периода.К концу своей монументальной карьеры художника, скульптора и литографа пожилой болезненный Матисс не мог долго стоять и пользоваться кистью. На этом позднем этапе своей жизни — ему было почти 80 лет — он разработал технику «вырезания в цвете», создавая яркие, смелые вырезки из бумаги. Хотя некоторые современные критики отвергли это как глупость дряхлого старика, эти гуаши decoupées (вырезки гуашью) на самом деле представляли собой революцию в современном искусстве, совершенно новую среду, которая переосмыслила вековой конфликт между цветом и линией.В этом издании первого тома нашей оригинальной отмеченной наградами книги XXL представлен подробный исторический контекст вырезок Матисса, восходящий к его путешествию на Таити в 1930 году и продолжающийся до последних лет его жизни в Ницце. Он включает в себя множество фотографий Матисса, а также некоторые редкие изображения Анри Картье-Брессона и кинорежиссера Ф. В. Мурно с текстами Матисса, издателя Э. Териада, поэтов Луи Арагона, Анри Мишо и Пьера Реверди, а также сына Матисса. зять Жорж Дютуи.В своей обманчивой простоте вырезы достигли как скульптурного качества, так и ранней минималистской абстракции, которая оказала глубокое влияние на будущие поколения художников. Буйные, многоцветные и часто грандиозные по масштабу, эти работы являются настоящими столпами искусства 20-го века, и сегодня они такие же смелые и новаторские, как и при жизни Матисса.

4250 Руб.

Neret Xavier-Gilles, Neret Gilles Matisse. Cut-outs

Neret Xavier-Gilles, Neret Gilles Matisse. Cut-outs


Toward the end of his monumental career as a painter, sculptor, and lithographer, an elderly, sickly Matisse was unable to stand and use a paintbrush for long. In this late phase of his life-he was almost 80 years of age-he developed the technique of "carving into color," creating bright, bold paper cut-outs. Though dismissed by some contemporary critics as the folly of a senile old man, these gouaches decoupees (gouache cut-outs) in fact represented a revolution in modern art, a whole new medium that reimagined the age-old conflict between color and line. This edition of the first volume of our original award-winning XXL book provides a thorough historical context to Matisse's cut-outs, tracing their roots to his 1930 trip to Tahiti and continuing through to his final years in Nice. It includes many photos of Matisse, as well as some rare images by Henri Cartier-Bresson and the filmmaker F. W. Murnau, with texts by Matisse, publisher E. Teriade, the poets Louis Aragon, Henri Michaux, and Pierre Reverdy, and Matisse's son-in-law Georges Duthuit. In their deceptive simplicity, the cut-outs achieved both a sculptural quality and an early minimalist abstraction, which would profoundly influence generations of artists to come. Exuberant, multi-hued, and often grand in scale, these works are true pillars of 20th-century art, and as bold and innovative to behold today as they were in Matisse's lifetime.

6078 Руб.

Neret Gilles Henri Matisse. Cut-Outs

Neret Gilles Henri Matisse. Cut-Outs


This fresh edition of TASCHEN's award-winning XXL volume explores Matisse's gouaches decoupees, produced during the final years of his life. Discover the complete history of these bright, bold cut-outs through rare photographs by the likes of Henri Cartier-Bresson and F. W. Murnau, as well as texts from poets like Louis Aragon, Matisse's son-in-law Georges Duthuit, and the master himself.

3644 Руб.

Neret Gilles Matisse. Gouaches decoupees

Neret Gilles Matisse. Gouaches decoupees


Comment Matisse finit sa vie dans un tourbillon de couleurs, de formes et de motifs Henri Matisse (1869-1954) a toujours eu un esprit combatif. Malgre son cancer diagnostique en 1941, en depit de sa faiblesse croissante et de son fauteuil roulant qu’il ne pouvait quitter, cet irreductible artiste francais n’a jamais interrompu sa quete artistique ni cesse de creer. Debutant ce qu’il nommait une «seconde vie», il entama une periode remarquable de production de collages, decoupant et assemblant des morceaux de papier colore pour former des «gouaches decoupees» peuplees d’oiseaux, de plantes, de fleurs et de formes feminines. Soulignant a merveille couleurs et contrastes, la technique du decoupage permet des lignes geometriques et des juxtapositions dynamiques. Dans des ?uvres telles que La Chute d’Icare (1943), Nu bleu (1952), L’Escargot (1953) et La Gerbe (1953), formes pures et structures elementaires renforcent une composition qui depasse le simple aspect decoratif de creations finement assemblees et debordant d’une joie de vivre contagieuse. Au fur et a mesure de l’avancee de son travail, l’excitation de Matisse devant ces resultats le poussa a imaginer des ?uvres toujours plus grandes, ses premiers travaux, de modestes dimensions, devenant de veritables fresques murales. Sentant venir sa fin, Matisse revela le secret de ces pieces a la fois simples et brillantes: «Ce que j’ai cree apres [ma maladie], c’est moi-meme que cela represente, libre et detache…» Cette introduction de reference revisite ainsi ce joyeux dernier chapitre de la longue et prodigieuse carriere de Matisse, revelant comment les papiers decoupes resument ses annees passees a explorer toutes les possibilites offertes par la composition, les formes et les couleurs.

3699 Руб.

Gilles Néret. Renoir - 40th Anniversary Edition. Neret, Gilles

Gilles Néret. Renoir - 40th Anniversary Edition. Neret, Gilles

Пр-во: Республика

«Renoir. 40th Ed.» - самая полная ретроспектива творчества Ренуара.   Очаровательные картины Пьера-Огюста Ренуара (1841–1919) до сих пор отражают наши идеалы счастья, любви и красоты. Это компактное издание, созданное на основе крупноформатного сборника, наиболее полной ретроспективы работ великого художника, опубликованной на сегодняшний день, исследует личную историю и мотивы легенды.    Хотя он начал с пейзажей в импрессионистском стиле, Ренуар нашел свою истинную близость в портретах, после чего полностью отказался от импрессионизма. Хотя Ренуара часто неправильно понимают, он остается одним из самых любимых художников в истории — несомненно, потому, что его работы источают такую теплоту, нежность и хорошее настроение.   В проницательном тексте сборника, прослеживающем карьеру художника и его стилистическую эволюцию, Жиль Нере показывает, как Ренуар заново изобретал нарисованные женские формы с его повседневными богинями и их пухлыми очертаниями, округлыми бедрами и грудью. Более поздняя фаза Ренуара, отмеченная его возвращением к простому удовольствию от обнаженной женщины в его серии «Купальщицы», была его самой новаторской и стилистически влиятельной серией работ и вдохновила таких мастеров, как Матисс и Пикассо.   С полной хронологией, библиографией, фотографиями, эскизами и блестящими репродукциями, это основной справочный сборник о непревзойденном мастере-художнике Пьере-Огюсте Ренуаре. ISBN: 9783836592093

3500 Руб.

Neret Xavier-Gilles Matisse. Les papiers découpés

Neret Xavier-Gilles Matisse. Les papiers découpés


Les ?uvres revolutionnaires de la derniere periode de Matisse Sur la fin de sa prodigieuse carriere de peintre, sculpteur et lithographe, age et malade, Matisse ne pouvait plus tenir sur ses jambes ni garder un pinceau en main tres longtemps. Au soir de sa vie, a pres de 80 ans, il mit au point une technique consistant a «sculpter la couleur», creant d’audacieux decoupages aux couleurs vives. Meme si quelques critiques de l’epoque y virent un signe de senilite, ces gouaches decoupees representaient en realite une revolution dans l’art moderne, en proposant un tout nouveau mode d’expression qui reformulait l’antagonisme traditionnel entre dessin et couleur. Cette nouvelle edition du premier volume de notre ouvrage format XL d’origine, recompense par la critique, retrace le contexte historique des gouaches decoupees de Matisse, depuis leurs origines, lors du voyage a Tahiti de l’artiste en 1930, jusqu’aux dernieres annees de Matisse a Nice. Elle comprend de nombreuses photos de l’artiste, dont quelques images, tres rares, signees Henri Cartier-Bresson ou du realisateur F.W. Murnau, ainsi que des textes de Matisse, de l’editeur E. Teriade, des poetes Louis Aragon, Henri Michaux et Pierre Reverdy, et du beau-fils de Matisse, Georges Duthuit. A travers leur simplicite trompeuse, ces decoupages ont a la fois atteint une qualite sculpturale et amorce une forme d’abstraction minimaliste qui a profondement influence des generations d’artistes ulterieures. Exuberantes, ces ?uvres aux mille nuances, souvent tres grandes, forment un pilier de l’art du XXe siecle et s’averent, quand on les contemple aujourd’hui, tout aussi audacieuses et novatrices que du vivant de Matisse.

6164 Руб.

Нере Ж. Matisse. Cut-outs

Нере Ж. Matisse. Cut-outs


Henri Matisse (1869–1954) was a fighting spirit. Despite a cancer diagnosis in 1941, increasing frailty, and the confines of a wheelchair, the indomitable Frenchman never stopped in his quest to make art. With what he called une seconde vie, a second life, he embarked on a remarkable collage period, cutting and pasting pieces of colored paper into gouaches decoupees of birds, plants, flowers, and the female form.Emphasizing color and contrast, the cut-out technique generated both striking lines and vivid juxtapositions. In works such as Icarus (1943), The Blue Nude (1952), The Snail (1953), and The Sheaf (1953), clean forms and elemental structures power a compositional force that belies the work’s decorative appeal, at once tightly organized and infectious with joie de vivre. As his work progressed, Matisse’s excitement with his results fueled ever-larger pieces, advancing from small works to vast wall-sized murals.As his final years approached, Matisse reveled in the simplicity and brilliance of these pieces, avowing, “Only what I created after the illness constitutes my real self: free, liberated…” In this essential introductory book, we revisit this joyful final chapter of Matisse’s long and prodigious career, examining how the cut-outs encapsulated the artist’s many years exploring the possibilities of composition, form, and color.

2007 Руб.

Нере Ж. Matisse. Cut-outs

Нере Ж. Matisse. Cut-outs


Henri Matisse (1869–1954) was a fighting spirit. Despite a cancer diagnosis in 1941, increasing frailty, and the confines of a wheelchair, the indomitable Frenchman never stopped in his quest to make art. With what he called une seconde vie, a second life, he embarked on a remarkable collage period, cutting and pasting pieces of colored paper into gouaches decoupees of birds, plants, flowers, and the female form.Emphasizing color and contrast, the cut-out technique generated both striking lines and vivid juxtapositions. In works such as Icarus (1943), The Blue Nude (1952), The Snail (1953), and The Sheaf (1953), clean forms and elemental structures power a compositional force that belies the work’s decorative appeal, at once tightly organized and infectious with joie de vivre. As his work progressed, Matisse’s excitement with his results fueled ever-larger pieces, advancing from small works to vast wall-sized murals.As his final years approached, Matisse reveled in the simplicity and brilliance of these pieces, avowing, “Only what I created after the illness constitutes my real self: free, liberated…” In this essential introductory book, we revisit this joyful final chapter of Matisse’s long and prodigious career, examining how the cut-outs encapsulated the artist’s many years exploring the possibilities of composition, form, and color.

2007 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir

Neret Gilles Renoir


The most comprehensive retrospective of Renoir’s work Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s (1841–1919) timelessly charming paintings still reflect our ideals of happiness, love, and beauty. Derived from our large-format volume, the most comprehensive retrospective of his work published to date, this compact edition examines the personal history and motivation behind the legend. Though he began by painting landscapes in the Impressionist style, Renoir found his true affinity in portraits, after which he abandoned the Impressionists altogether. Though often misunderstood, Renoir remains one of history’s most well-loved painters—undoubtedly because his works exude such warmth, tenderness, and good spirit. In an incisive text tracing the artist’s career and stylistic evolution, Gilles Neret shows how Renoir reinvented the painted female form, with his everyday goddesses and their plump contours, rounded hips and breasts. Renoir’s later phase, marked by his return to the simple pleasure of the female nude in his Bathers series, was his most innovative and stylistically influential, and would inspire such masters as Matisse and Picasso. With a complete chronology, bibliography, photos, sketches, and brilliant reproductions, this is the essential work of reference on this enduring master artist.

6312 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir

Neret Gilles Renoir


Pierre-Auguste Renoir's (1841-1919) timelessly charming paintings still reflect our ideals of happiness, love, and beauty. Derived from our large-format volume, the most comprehensive retrospective of his work published to date, this compact edition examines the personal history and motivation behind the legend. Though he began by painting landscapes in the Impressionist style, Renoir found his true affinity in portraits, after which he abandoned the Impressionists altogether. Though often misunderstood, Renoir remains one of history's most well-loved painters-undoubtedly because his works exude such warmth, tenderness, and good spirit. In an incisive text tracing the artist's career and stylistic evolution, Gilles Neret shows how Renoir reinvented the painted female form, with his everyday goddesses and their plump forms, rounded hips and breasts. Renoir's later phase, marked by his return to the simple pleasure of the female nude in his baigneuses series, was his most innovative and stylistically influential, and would inspire such masters as Matisse and Picasso. With a complete chronology, bibliography, photos, sketches, and brilliant reproductions, this is the essential work of reference on this enduring master artist.

3301 Руб.

Neret Gilles Michelangelo

Neret Gilles Michelangelo


Italian-born Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564) was a tormented, prodigiously talented, and God-fearing Renaissance man. His manifold achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, and engineering combined body, spirit, and God into visionary masterpieces that changed art history forever. Famed biographer Giorgio Vasari considered him the pinnacle of Renaissance achievement. His peers called him simply "Il Divino" ("the divine one"). This book provides the essential introduction to Michelangelo with all the awe-inspiring masterpieces and none of the queues and crowds. With vivid illustration and accessible texts, we explore the artist's extraordinary figuration and celebrated style of terribilita (momentous grandeur), which allowed human and biblical drama to exist in compelling scale and fervor. Through the power hubs of Renaissance Italy, we take in his major commissions and phenomenal capacity for compositional schemes, whether the famous Medici library in Florence, or the extraordinary 500-square-meter ceiling (1508-1512) in the Vatican's Sistine Chapel. From the towering David to the aching grief and faith of The Pieta and the vivid drama of the Sistine Chapel's Last Judgment, this is a succinct, dependable reference to a true giant of art history and to some of the most famous artworks in the world.

3706 Руб.

Neret Gilles Rubens

Neret Gilles Rubens


Meet Sir Peter Paul Rubens, master painter and polymath There are over 1,000 catalogued works by Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), the 16th-century flag bearer for Baroque drama, movement, and sensuality. This essential introduction takes in the most important works from this astonishingly prolific oeuvre to explore Rubens’s influences and innovations, and his remarkable visual, and art historical, impact. The richly illustrated survey takes in Rubens’s portraits, landscapes, and historical paintings, as well as his famed and bountiful nudes. Along the way, we examine the artist’s astonishing technique and his deft ability to depict narrative in a compelling and legible visual form, whether an erotic mythological scene or a tender biblical story. This remarkable artistic bravura is placed in context both within Rubens’s long art historical legacy through Van Dyck, Velazquez, and beyond, and his other talents as a classical scholar, diplomat, and knight.

2409 Руб.

Neret Gilles Klimt

Neret Gilles Klimt


Die luxuriose Welt des Wiener Symbolisten Die ungebrochene Popularitat von Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) ist nicht nur der sinnlich-luxuriosen Ausstrahlung und dekorativen Qualitat seiner Bilder geschuldet, sondern auch den universellen Themen, mit denen er sich befasste: Liebe, weibliche Schonheit, Alter und Tod. Der Sohn eines Goldschmieds erschuf Oberflachen, die wie Edelsteine funkelten und von agyptischer und japanischer Kunst beeinflusst waren. Ob Gemalde, Wandmalereien oder Friese: Klimts Werk zeichnen brillante Farben, flie?ende Linien, florale Elemente und mosaikartige Muster aus. All diese schimmernde Leuchtkraft ist jedoch auch mit Emotionen durchtrankt, mit Sinnlichkeit und Verlangen sowie auch Angst und Verzweiflung. Die von Klimt portratierten Frauen mit ihren uppigen Formen, roten Lippen, gerotete Wangen und ihrer zarten Haut strahlten Leidenschaft aus in einer Zeit, als eine solch offene Erotik im Wiener Burgertum noch tabu war. Dieses Buch prasentiert eine Auswahl an Klimts Werken, stellt seine Welt der Sehnsucht und Ornamentik vor und erkundet seinen Einfluss auf spatere Kunstler.

3435 Руб.

Neret Gilles Manet

Neret Gilles Manet


Des peintures au tournant de la modernite Vilipende sa vie durant pour son style comme pour le sujet de ses ?uvres, le peintre francais Edouard Manet (1832–1883) est aujourd’hui reconnu comme une figure incontournable de l’histoire de l’art, ayant fait le lien entre realisme et impressionnisme. Dans son ?uvre, Manet utilisa la peinture pour representer des scenes etonnamment modernes, inspirees du monde qui l’entourait, notamment de la vie urbaine parisienne. Il sut capter les jardins de la ville, ses parcs et ses cabarets, souvent attire par le frisson des bas-fonds ou se delectant d’un sujet provocant. A Paris, le Salon rejeta son Dejeuner sur l’herbe mettant en scene une femme nue entouree d’hommes habilles, tandis que la pose ouvertement decomplexee et le regard plein de defiance de la prostituee dans Olympia, reinvention eminemment moderne de la Venus d’Urbin du Titien, fit scandale. A travers de magnifiques illustrations, ce livre presente l’?uvre de Manet et son style unique, associant realisme, impressionnisme et references aux grands maitres de la peinture, ce style qui ouvrira un nouveau champ plein d’audace pour les generations modernistes a venir.

3699 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir

Neret Gilles Renoir


La retrospective la plus complete jamais consacree a l’?uvre de Renoir Les tableaux de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) au charme intemporel n’evoquent qu’amour, bonheur et beaute. Issu de notre edition grand format, qui formait la retrospective la plus complete jamais consacree a l’?uvre du peintre, cet ouvrage analyse de pres l’histoire et la passion cachees derriere la legende. Bien qu’il ait commence sa carriere par des paysages de style impressionniste, Renoir n’a vraiment developpe son propre style qu’apres avoir commence a peindre des portraits qui l’ont conduit a se detacher completement de l’impressionnisme. On l’a souvent mal compris ou critique, et pourtant Renoir demeure l’un des peintres les plus aimes de l’Histoire grace a la chaleur et a la joie de vivre qui emanent de ses tableaux. Dans son texte eclairant qui revient sur l’integralite de la carriere de l’artiste en retracant son evolution artistique, Gilles Neret montre comment Renoir a reinvente la femme en peinture, a travers ses deesses de la vie quotidienne bien rondes, a la poitrine et aux hanches genereuses. Cette derniere phase de l’?uvre de Renoir, au cours de laquelle il en est revenu au plaisir simple de peindre des nus feminins dans sa serie consacree aux baigneuses, est sans doute de loin la plus novatrice, celle qui a le plus inspire d’autres artistes comme Matisse et Picasso. Avec sa chronologie et sa bibliographie, ses superbes reproductions couleur, ainsi que des photos et des croquis illustrant la vie et l’?uvre de Renoir, ce livre est l’un des ouvrages de reference incontournables sur ce grand maitre de la peinture.

7891 Руб.

Neret Gilles Kazimir Malevich

Neret Gilles Kazimir Malevich


After flirtations with Realism, Impressionism, and Symbolism, Kiev-born Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) found his metier in dissolving literal, representational figures and landscapes into pure emotionally-charged abstraction. In 1915, he created what is widely lauded as the first and ultimate abstract artwork: Black Square, a black rectangle on a white background, hailed as the "zero point of painting," a seminal moment for modern and abstract practice. In this book, we follow Malevich's key innovations and ideas and place his groundbreaking achievements within the context of both the Russian and global avant-garde. Through rich illustrations of his work, we explore the artist's theory of Suprematism, based on severe geometric abstraction and "the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art"; his leading role in the development of Constructivism; as well as his interests in philosophy, literature, Russian folk art, and the fourth dimension.

2048 Руб.

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