gottlieb anthony the dream of enlightenment the rise of modern philosophy

Gottlieb Anthony The Dream of Enlightenment. The Rise of Modern Philosophy

Gottlieb Anthony The Dream of Enlightenment. The Rise of Modern Philosophy


The author of the celebrated The Dream of Reason vividly explains the rise of modern thought from Descartes to Rousseau In a short period - from the early 1640s to the eve of the French Revolution - Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, and Hume all made their mark on Western thought. The Dream of Enlightenment tells their story and that of the birth of modern philosophy. What does the advance of science entail for our understanding of ourselves and for our ideas of God? How should a government deal with religious diversity - and what is government actually for? Their questions remain our questions, and it is tempting to think these philosophers speak our language and live in our world; but to understand them properly, we must step back into their shoes. Gottlieb puts readers in the minds of these frequently misinterpreted figures, elucidating the history of their times while engagingly explaining their arguments and assessing their legacy. Gottlieb creates a sweeping account of what they amounted to, and why we are still in their debt.

2475 Руб.

O`Grady Jane Enlightenment Philosophy In A Nutshell

O`Grady Jane Enlightenment Philosophy In A Nutshell


From Descartes’ famous line ‘I think therefore I am’ to Kant’s fascinating discussions of morality, the thinkers of the Enlightenment have helped to shape the modern world. Addressing such important subjects as the foundations of knowledge and the role of ethics, the theories of these philosophers continue to have great relevance to our lives. Ranging across Enlightenment thinking from Berkeley to Rousseau, Enlightenment Philosophy in a Nutshell explains important ideas such as Locke’s ideas of primary and secondary qualities, Kant’s moral rationalism, and Hume’s inductive reasoning. Filled with helpful diagrams and simple summaries of complex theories, this essential introduction brings the great ideas of the past to everyone.

2715 Руб.

The Portable Enlightenment Reader

The Portable Enlightenment Reader


The Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century, also called the Age of Reason, was so named for an intellectual movement that shook the foundations of Western civilization. In championing radical ideas such as individual liberty and an empirical appraisal of the universe through rational inquiry and natural experience, Enlightenment philosophers in Europe and America planted the seeds for modern liberalism, cultural humanism, science and technology, and laissez-faire Capitalism This volume brings together works from this era, with more than 100 selections from a range of sources. It includes examples by Kant, Diderot, Voltaire, Newton, Rousseau, Locke, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Paine that demonstrate the pervasive impact of Enlightenment views on philosophy and epistemology as well as on political, social, and economic institutions.

4121 Руб.

Moore Peter Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Moore Peter Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness


Enlightenment Britain was ablaze with ambition and energy. Great writers like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Samuel Johnson, John Wilkes and Catharine Macaulay were part of a pioneering generation that shaped and inspired the American Dream. For the first time, bestselling historian Peter Moore vividly traces the transatlantic friendships and revolutionary ideas that inspired the Declaration of Independence. 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness' is the best-known phrase from that document, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson in the summer of 1776. Today this line is evoked as a shorthand for that ideal we call the American Dream. But the vision it encapsulates – of a free and happy world – has its roots in Great Britain. This book tells the story of the years that preceded the Declaration. From the accession of King George III to the astonishing tale of John Wilkes, from the notorious Stamp Act to the Boston Tea Party, it shows how Britain and her American Colonies broke apart. Following a star cast of Enlightenment characters, through their letters, arguments and rivalries, it reveals the rise of a rebellious and daring ideology – one that gave rise to the democratic birth of the United States and the principles we live by to this day.

5966 Руб.

Grayling A. C. The History of Philosophy

Grayling A. C. The History of Philosophy


The story of philosophy is an epic tale: an exploration of the ideas, views and teachings of some of the most creative minds known to humanity. But there has been no comprehensive history of this great intellectual journey since 1945. Intelligible for students and eye-opening for philosophy readers, A. C. Grayling covers with characteristic clarity and elegance subjects like epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, logic, and the philosophy of mind, as well as the history of debates in these areas, through the ideas of celebrated philosophers as well as less well-known influential thinkers. The History of Philosophy takes the reader on a journey from the age of the Buddha, Confucius and Socrates. Through Christianity's dominance of the European mind to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. On to Mill, Nietzsche, Sartre, then the philosophical traditions of India, China and the Persian-Arabic world. And finally, into philosophy today.

3577 Руб.

Smith Adam Wealth of Nations

Smith Adam Wealth of Nations


Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smith's contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller. That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smith's Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline. But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people. A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today.

1981 Руб.

Smith A. The Wealth of Nations

Smith A. The Wealth of Nations


Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smiths contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller. That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smiths Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline. But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people. A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today.

450 Руб.

Smith A. The Wealth of Nations

Smith A. The Wealth of Nations


Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smiths contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller. That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smiths Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline. But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people. A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today.

450 Руб.

Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm Human, All Too Human & Beyond Good and Evil

Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm Human, All Too Human & Beyond Good and Evil


Human, All Too Human (1878) marks the point where Nietzsche abandons German romanticism for the French Enlightenment. At a moment of crisis in his life (no longer a friend of Richard Wagner, forced to leave academic life through ill health), he sets out his views in a scintillating and bewildering series of aphorisms which contain the seeds of his later philosophy (e.g. the will to power, the need to transcend conventional Christian morality). The result is one of the cornerstones of his life's work. It well deserves its subtitle 'A Book for Free Spirits', and its original dedication to Voltaire, whose project of radical enlightenment here finds a new champion. Beyond Good and Evil (1886) is a scathing and powerful critique of philosophy, religion and science. Here Nietzsche presents us with problems and challenges that are as troubling as they are inspiring, while at the same time outlining the virtues, ideas, and practices which will characterise the philosophy of the future. Relentless, energetic, tirelessly probing, he both determines that philosophy's agenda and is himself the embodiment of the type of thought he wants to foster.

2133 Руб.

Hampson Norman The Enlightenment

Hampson Norman The Enlightenment


Armed with the insights of the scientific revolution, the men of the Enlightenment set out to free mankind from its age-old cocoon of pessimism and superstition and establish a more reasonable world of experiment and progress. Yet by the 1760s, this optimism about man and society had almost evaporated. In the works of Rousseau, Kant and Goethe, there was discernible a new inner voice, and an awareness of individual uniqueness which had eluded their more self-confident predecessors. The stage was set for the revolutionary crisis and the rise of Romanticism. In this book, Norman Hampson follows through certain dominant themes in the Enlightenment, and describes the contemporary social and political climate, in which ideas could travel from the salons of Paris to the court of Catherine the Great - but less easily from a master to his servant. On such vexed issues as the role of ideas in the "rise of the middle class" he provides a new and realistic approach linking intellectual and social history.

3450 Руб.

Introducing Kant. A Graphic Guide

Introducing Kant. A Graphic Guide


A comprehensive introduction to the work of Immanuel Kant, the pre-eminent philosopher of the Enlightenment. Immanuel Kant's contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics laid the foundations of modern Western thought. Every subsequent major philosopher owes a profound debt to his attempts to delimit human reason as an appropriate object of philosophical enquiry. And yet, Kant's relentless systematic formalism made him a controversial figure in the history of the philosophy that he helped to shape. Kant: A Graphic Guide focuses on the three critiques of Pure Reason, Practical Reason and Judgement. It describes Kant's main formal concepts: the relation of mind to sensory experience, the question of freedom and the law and, above all, the revaluation of metaphysics. Kant emerges as a diehard Rationalist yet also a Romantic, deeply committed to the power of the sublime to transform experience. The book explores the paradoxical nature of his ideas and explains the reasons for his undiminished importance in contemporary philosophical debates. This series of graphic guides covers every key thinker and topic in philosophy, psychology, science, politics, religion, cultural studies, linguistics and more. Written by experts and illustrated by leading graphic artists, there is no better way to acquaint yourself with the biggest and best ideas humanity has ever come up with.

1082 Руб.

The Philosophy Book. Big Ideas Simply Explained

The Philosophy Book. Big Ideas Simply Explained


Discover how our big social, political and ethical ideas are formed with The Philosophy Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Philosophy in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Philosophy Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Philosophy, with: - Key quotes from more than 100 of the great thinkers of philosophy - Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts - A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout - Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understanding The Philosophy Book is the perfect introduction to philosophy, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover how key concepts in philosophy have shaped our world, with authoritative articles that explore big ideas. Learn about everyone who's contributed to the flow of world philosophy, from antiquity to the modern age, through superb mind maps explaining the line of thought. Your Philosophical Questions, Simply Explained If you thought it was difficult to learn philosophy and its many concepts, The Philosophy Book presents the key ideas in a clear layout. Find out what philosophers thought about the nature of reality, and the fundamental questions we ask ourselves; What is the meaning of life? What is the Universe made of? And work your way through the different branches of philosophy such as metaphysics and ethics, from ancient and modern thinkers. The Big Ideas Series With millions of copies sold worldwide, The Philosophy Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.

4156 Руб.

Thoreau Henry David Walden

Thoreau Henry David Walden


Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. This beautiful jacketed hardback edition presents the incredible memoir of Henry David Thoreau - a man who left his home town to live a contemplative life in the tranquil wilderness of Walden Pond. During his two years there, he diligently chronicled his observations. Walden blends natural history with philosophy, taking an insightful look at human solitude and our affinity with the natural world. In its rejection of materialism and embracing of self-sufficiency, this book remains a highly regarded work of transcendentalism, environmentalism, and individual enlightenment. Despite being published over 150 years ago, Walden remains pertinent in the modern society. This collector's edition features a dust jacket and new cover design, refreshing this defining work of American liberalism.

3246 Руб.

Rooney Anne Philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to Great Thinkers of Modern Times

Rooney Anne Philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to Great Thinkers of Modern Times


The unexamined life is not worth living - Plato (c.427-347BC) This book traces the historical development of philosophical thought from the Ancient Greeks through the Enlightenment to the present day. It explores the five main branches of philosophy - metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics - and includes biographies of significant philosophers and accounts of important texts. It is an accessible and fascinating account of the preoccupations of some of the world's greatest thinkers. Topics include: The nature of being and reality The existence of God Free will and predestination Ethics in daily life How we might make a good society

2207 Руб.

Sun Tzu, Лао-Цзы, Конфуций Eastern Philosophy. The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Analects of Confucius, The Way of the Samurai

Sun Tzu, Лао-Цзы, Конфуций Eastern Philosophy. The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Analects of Confucius, The Way of the Samurai


Sincerity is the end and the beginning of all things; without sincerity there would be nothing. - Inazo Nitobe, The Way of the Samurai This beautiful jacketed hardback collection brings together five iconic works of Eastern philosophy. Full of timeless wisdom and invaluable advice, these classic Chinese and Japanese texts condense the spiritual teachings from thousands of years of history. Includes: -The Art of War - Tao Te Ching - The Analects of Confucius - The Way of the Samurai - Mencius Drawing upon military strategy, leadership, honor and spiritual philosophy, this collection offers penetrating insights which are still pertinent in the modern world.

5775 Руб.

de Botton Alain The Consolations of Philosophy

de Botton Alain The Consolations of Philosophy


One of the most influential voices in modern philosophy - the author of The Course of Love, Religion for Atheists, The Art of Travel and The School of Life Alain de Botton presents a one-stop shop for solving the problems of everyday life through the wisdom of history's great philosophers Alain de Botton has set six of the finest minds in the history of philosophy to work on the problems of everyday life. Find out what Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche would say about the things that bother us all the most: lack of money, the pain of love, inadequacy, anxiety, the fear of failure and the pressure to conform.

3671 Руб.

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