taylore knowles steve mann malcolm macmillan exam skills for russia grammar and vocabulary 2020 в1 student s book on

Taylore-Knowles Steve, Mann Malcolm Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 В1 Student's Book + On

Taylore-Knowles Steve, Mann Malcolm Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 В1 Student's Book + On


Книга для учащегося выпускается с кодом доступа к её полноценной онлайн-версии. В книге представлен материал в 28 грамматических и 14 лексических разделах с понятными объяснениями на русском языке. Каждый раздел завершается двумя тестами для проверки и закрепления пройденного в формате экзаменационных заданий. Экзаменационные задания соответствующего уровня помогают подготовиться к экзаменам. Наиболее сложные для понимания грамматические структуры и советы по их использованию, собраны в рубрики Watch Out и Helpful Hints. Материалы по неправильным и фразовым глаголам, словообразованию, устойчивым словосочетаниям включены в Справочный раздел. Онлайн-версия упражнений, доступная по коду в учебнике - интерактивная версия всех упражнений из книги для учащегося. Подходит для самостоятельной работы учащихся, а также дает возможность работать с учителем в виртуальном классе. Код действителен в течение 15 месяцев с момента активации.

4989 Руб.

Taylore-Knowles Steve, Mann Malcolm Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 В1 Teacher's Book + On

Taylore-Knowles Steve, Mann Malcolm Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 В1 Teacher's Book + On


Грамматика и лексика. Уровень В1 поможет освоить в теории и на практике лексико-грамматический материал, соответствующий уровню В1 Общеевропейской системы оценки владения иностранным языком. Пособие также может быть использовано для подготовки к сдаче Основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) по английскому языку, как начальный этап подготовки к выпускному экзамену в 11 классе в формате Единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ), а также для подготовки к международным экзаменам, например, В1 Preliminary. Книга для учителя с кодом доступа к онлайн-версии упражнений для работы офлайн, онлайн или в смешанном формате. Код действителен в течение 24 месяца с момента активации. В печатной книге для учителя содержатся ответы ко всем упражнениям в учебнике, а также 7 промежуточных тестов с ответами. Онлайн-версия упражнений - интерактивная версия всех упражнений книги для учащегося. Дает возможность преподавателю создавать виртуальные классы и автоматически отслеживать результаты работы учащихся.

3700 Руб.

Taylore-Knowles Steve Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 A2 Student's Book + On

Taylore-Knowles Steve Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 A2 Student's Book + On


Книга для учащегося выпускается с кодом доступа к её полноценной онлайн-версии. В книге представлен материал в 28 грамматических и 14 лексических разделах с понятными объяснениями на русском языке. Каждый раздел завершается двумя тестами для проверки и закрепления пройденного в формате экзаменационных заданий. Экзаменационные задания соответствующего уровня помогают подготовиться к экзаменам. Наиболее сложные для понимания грамматические структуры и советы по их использованию, собраны в рубрики Watch Out и Helpful Hints. Материалы по неправильным и фразовым глаголам, словообразованию, устойчивым словосочетаниям включены в Справочный раздел. Онлайн-версия упражнений, доступная по коду в учебнике - интерактивная версия всех упражнений из книги для учащегося. Подходит для самостоятельной работы учащихся, а также дает возможность работать с учителем в виртуальном классе. Код действителен в течение 15 месяцев с момента активации.

2659 Руб.

Taylore-Knowles Steve Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 A2 Teacher's Book + On

Taylore-Knowles Steve Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary 2020 A2 Teacher's Book + On


Грамматика и лексика. Уровень А2 поможет освоить в теории и на практике лексико-грамматический материал, соответствующий уровню А2 Общеевропейской системы оценки владения иностранным языком. Пособие также может быть использовано для подготовки к сдаче Основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) по английскому языку, как начальный этап подготовки к выпускному экзамену в 11 классе в формате Единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ), а также для подготовки к международным экзаменам, Книга для учителя с кодом доступа к онлайн-версии упражнений для работы офлайн, онлайн или в смешанном формате. Код действителен в течение 24 месяца с момента активации. В печатной книге для учителя содержатся ответы ко всем упражнениям в учебнике, а также 7 промежуточных тестов с ответами. Онлайн-версия упражнений - интерактивная версия всех упражнений книги для учащегося. Дает возможность преподавателю создавать виртуальные классы и автоматически отслеживать результаты работы учащихся.

2124 Руб.

Reilly P., Bandis A. Optimise B1 WB W/Key

Reilly P., Bandis A. Optimise B1 WB W/Key


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks. The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

1354 Руб.

Bowell J. Optimise A2. Workbook with key

Bowell J. Optimise A2. Workbook with key


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks. The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

1354 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1+. Students Book Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1+. Students Book Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks.The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

3899 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B2. Students Book Premium Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B2. Students Book Premium Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks.The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

2902 Руб.

Bowell J. Optimise A2. Workbook with key

Bowell J. Optimise A2. Workbook with key


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks. The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

1354 Руб.

Reilly P., Bandis A. Optimise B1 WB W/Key

Reilly P., Bandis A. Optimise B1 WB W/Key


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series. Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks. The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

1354 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1+. Students Book Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1+. Students Book Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks.The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

3899 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B2. Students Book Premium Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B2. Students Book Premium Pack+Students Resource Centre+Online Code


Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including First (FCE) for Schools) or local state exams, and follows the high standards set by the successful Macmillan Laser series.Optimise's respected team, including authors Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, and Course Consultant Karen Ludlow, share their exam expertise to ensure students achieve exam success. Each level follows a highly-supportive lesson structure which helps students to understand grammar, learn new vocabulary and develop the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while at the same time preparing them for typical exam tasks.The Optimise series includes the following print components for every level: Student's Book, Workbook, and Teacher's Book. The series also offers an extremely flexible digital package which includes a Digital Student's Book, eBook, Student's Resource Centre, Online Workbook, Teacher's Presentation Kit, Teacher's Resource Centre, and Test Generator. The Resource Centre hosts a variety of worksheets and tests designed to consolidate learning and enhance exam preparation.

2902 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1. Student s Book Pack

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1. Student s Book Pack


The Students Book Pack comprises the print Students Book, together with a code for the eBook (a PDF version of the Students Book with embedded audio tracks) and an access code for the Students Resource Centre, where students can download course audio, videos and worksheets. Optimise is the go-to exam preparation course for teenagers. It provides engaging lessons that equip students with essential skills and techniques to ensure their exam success. The course offers optimum support and guidance to teachers who work in a results-driven environment, whether they are experienced or new to exams-focused teaching. Using a carefully staged approach, Optimise combines motivating, real-life topics with specific exam training, taking students from A2 to B2 Level. Written by exam experts Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, the course builds strong foundations for success at A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools or B2 First for Schools exams in their most up to date format. Students will develop a thorough understanding of requirements and master specific exam strategies with the Exam Skill and Optimise Your Exam tip boxes.

4232 Руб.

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1. Student s Book Pack

Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Optimise B1. Student s Book Pack


The Students Book Pack comprises the print Students Book, together with a code for the eBook (a PDF version of the Students Book with embedded audio tracks) and an access code for the Students Resource Centre, where students can download course audio, videos and worksheets. Optimise is the go-to exam preparation course for teenagers. It provides engaging lessons that equip students with essential skills and techniques to ensure their exam success. The course offers optimum support and guidance to teachers who work in a results-driven environment, whether they are experienced or new to exams-focused teaching. Using a carefully staged approach, Optimise combines motivating, real-life topics with specific exam training, taking students from A2 to B2 Level. Written by exam experts Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles, the course builds strong foundations for success at A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools or B2 First for Schools exams in their most up to date format. Students will develop a thorough understanding of requirements and master specific exam strategies with the Exam Skill and Optimise Your Exam tip boxes.

4232 Руб.

Mann Malcolm, Taylore-Knowles Steve Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary. B1. Student Book without Key

Mann Malcolm, Taylore-Knowles Steve Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary. B1. Student Book without Key


Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary - современная трехуровневая серия, посвященная лексике и грамматике, идеально подходящая для учащихся уровня Intermediate, Upper Intermediate или уровня Advanced. Современные учебные программы основаны на уровнях B1, B2, C1 и C2 CEF, а упражнения ориентированы на задания для соответствующего экзамена на каждом уровне. Это идеальные учебники по грамматике для студентов, готовящихся к экзаменам. Пособие Destination B1: Grammar and Vocabulary было разработано для учащихся уровня Intermediate (уровень B1 (пороговый уровень) по CEFR). Это идеальное учебное пособие по грамматике и словарному запасу для всех студентов, готовящихся к сдаче любого экзамена уровня B1: например, Cambridge PET, а также для студентов, готовящихся к экзаменам уровня B2 в будущем. Ключевые функции: - 28 грамматических единиц; - 14 словарных единиц; - 14 отзывов; - 2 промежуточных теста; - презентация и систематическая практика всех ключевых грамматических, словарных и лексико-грамматических разделов, необходимых для сдачи экзаменов уровня B1; - четкие, исчерпывающие таблицы представления; - широкий спектр видов упражнений, в том числе те, которые можно найти в домашних условиях; - сильный акцент на повторении и закреплении материала; - справочный раздел, включающий неправильные формы настоящего времени, неправильные глаголы, тематическую лексику, фразовые глаголы, предложные словосочетания, словообразовательные модели и словообразование. Эта версия учебника не содержит ответов. A modern, three-level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level. The up-to-date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level. These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams.

3774 Руб.

Mann Malcolm, Taylore-Knowles Steve Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary. B1. Student Book with Key

Mann Malcolm, Taylore-Knowles Steve Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary. B1. Student Book with Key


Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary - современная трехуровневая серия, посвященная лексике и грамматике, идеально подходящая для учащихся уровня Intermediate, Upper Intermediate или уровня Advanced. Современные учебные программы основаны на уровнях B1, B2, C1 и C2 CEF, а упражнения ориентированы на задания для соответствующего экзамена на каждом уровне. Это идеальные учебники по грамматике для студентов, готовящихся к экзаменам. Пособие Destination B1: Grammar and Vocabulary было разработано для учащихся уровня Intermediate (уровень B1 (пороговый уровень) по CEFR). Это идеальное учебное пособие по грамматике и словарному запасу для всех студентов, готовящихся к сдаче любого экзамена уровня B1: например, Cambridge PET, а также для студентов, готовящихся к экзаменам уровня B2 в будущем. Ключевые функции: - 28 грамматических единиц; - 14 словарных единиц; - 14 отзывов; - 2 промежуточных теста; - презентация и систематическая практика всех ключевых грамматических, словарных и лексико-грамматических разделов, необходимых для сдачи экзаменов уровня B1; - четкие, исчерпывающие таблицы представления; - широкий спектр видов упражнений, в том числе те, которые можно найти в домашних условиях; - сильный акцент на повторении и закреплении материала; - справочный раздел, включающий неправильные формы настоящего времени, неправильные глаголы, тематическую лексику, фразовые глаголы, предложные словосочетания, словообразовательные модели и словообразование. Это издание включает в себя полный ключ к ответам и семь дополнительных проверочных тестов, которые можно скопировать. A modern, three-level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level. The up-to-date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level. These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams.

4415 Руб.

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